>> Market-Tek Design Award

"Congratulations! After reviewing
your site, we are pleased to present you with the Market-Tek Design Award!"

John Skorczewski
CEO Market-Tek Enterprises, Inc.

Market-Tek Design Award
>> Princess Wonder Award

"Hiya! I'm called Princess Wonder
and I want to give you my award! My award is called the Princess Wonder Award and i only give it to really really pretty sites.
Your site was terrific! "

Princess Wonder
Princess Wonder Award
>> Red Hot Site Award

"We only give our award out to sites we think are original, cool, easy to navigate, and have a purpose. Your site fit the bill
perfectly! We spent a lot of time
judging your site, but it was pretty
obvious from the minute we first
saw your site that you would win.
A great site you've got there."

Jim Stevens and Cathy Brokwen

Red Hot Site Award
>> 5 Star Award

"Only the best receive 5
Stars, and you are the best. Congratulations."

Sarah Kenzie

5 Star Award
>> Yellow Tiger Award

"You have a special web site.
I am honored to give you my
little award. You deserve it!
Congratulations!!!!! *Huge hugs*"

Tina Fields

Yellow Tiger Award.
>> The Angry Puppy Award

"I showed your site to my dog Nakor, and he didn't growl, which is unusual - so you win. Not everyone wins believe it or not."

Nakor Loves Ya!


The Angry Puppy Award
>> Funky Turtle Award
  "You have been given the dubious
honor of winning the Funky Turtle
Award For Coolness...for your site.
My friend, there simply is no cooler
or more sought after award on the
Internet today! Well, that MAY be
an exageration, but who cares!
You now have the rather large responsibility of keeping my turtle for me (in the form of the award image). Congratulations."

The Funky Turtle - Oh yeah Baby!

Funky Turtle Award


>> Cool Site Award

Cool Site Award

"It's my great pleasure to inform
you that your site:is cool enough
to win my award.
Cool job!
Stay Cool."

Yule Jacots
Systems Manager

>> Golden Nugget Award

"After reviewing your site I have decided to give you my award. You really have a great site! I enjoyed viewing it."

Jason Pearton

Golden Nugget Award
>> Joschi's Award of Excellence

"My little dog JOSCHI and I
have just visited your site, and
we really like it. That means
you have won Joschi's *Award
of Excellence*.

Joschi's Award of Excellence
>> The 5 Hearts Award

"You have a very good site and I am very honored to give you my award.
So Congratulations!! I am very happy to give you my award.
You sure earned it!"

Lisa Smotly

The 5 Hearts Award
>> News Wire Award

"We have finished the judging process for your site and we're
very impressed.
Your site is certainly news worthy and therefore you win our award!"

eNetwire.com Award Staff

News Wire Award
>> Screaming Head Award

"Whatever you were thinking, it turned out OK, because I'm here to tell you today that you are now the winner of the LinkwizardPro.com Screaming Head Award! AHHHHH
We usually get together around the office and pick one or two or 10 sites a day. But what do you care because we've just given you our award! So take it and be happy, cuz we surely are! Congrats there!"
LinkwizardPro.com Staff
of insane lunatics

Screaming Head Award


>> Stupid Cave Man Award


"Somehow, for some reason,
your site has caught the attention
of the Stupid Caveman! And when
something catches his attention
he won't rest until he's given that
thing an award."


Stupid Cave Man Award